Black and White

Wilkie Collins

Black and White Page 02

D., jewelry. Scene 2d: Same dress, mantle worn. Act II., Scene 1st: House dress, white muslin with a few knots of ribbon. Scene 3d: White walking dress, fancy Leghorn hat with streamers. Act III., Scene 2d: White straw hat, blue dress. Scene 3d: White wedding-dress, Leghorn hat, trimmed with orange-flowers and white lace.

MRS. PENFOLD.--Act I.: Handsome ball-dress, jewelry, fan. Act II. and III.: May come on to form picture; white muslin walking dress, parasol, straw hat. (Dress of DORA SUNNYSIDE, in "Octoroon," will answer.)

RUTH.--Yellow face, hair in curls, fancy stripped dress. Scene 2d: Hair loose, face pale.

PLANTERS' WIVES, ETC.--Act I.: Ball dresses. Act II.: Like MRS. PENFOLD'S second dress, parasols.

SLAVE WOMEN.--Fancy handkerchiefs, calico skirts.

CHILDREN.--For the PLANTERS' sons and daughters, and for young slaves, in dresses to suit their characters.

----------- PROPERTIES (See Scenery.)

ACT I., Scene 1st--Candles in stands; flower vases, tubs for orange-trees; ice creams in cups, on salver, wine glasses and decanter, on table L.; spring bell. Scene 2d: Books and pencil for SECRETARY; cards for PLATO. Scene 3d: Bed, table, candle in candlestick, bottle of medicine, pocket-book, paper in it. Act II., Scene 1st! Same set as Scene 1st, Act I.: Cane for LETRAC. Scene 3d: Vegetables, flowers, fruit, for stalls and baskets carried by NEGROES. Act III.: Loose papers, books; cabinet, bed, chairs; carpenters' three-foot rule; table up L.; letter at end of string in small trap, L. C. in F. Scene 2d: Key for jailer; paper for MARSHAL. Scene 3d: Same set as Scene 3d, Act II.: Rattans for some of the PLANTERS to carry; paper for WESTCRAFT; letter for DAVID.



SCENE I.--Boudoir interior, verandah and landscape in 4th grooves. Moon in flat, R. C. Night effect. Lights in candelabra on stage. Music of waltz.

Curtain rises. Discovers DANCERS in U. E., promenading R. and L. MRS. PENFOLD, R. C., arranging her bracelets. Enter, L. U. E., looking about him eagerly, STEPHEN WESTCRAFT.

WESTCRAFT (comes on by C. D., and down C.). Not here either? (to MRS. PENFOLD) Have you seen Miss Milburn?

MRS. PENFOLD. No. (cease music.)

WEST. She is engaged to me for the next dance, and I can't find her anywhere. I can't understand the lady of the house neglecting her guests in this way.

MRS. P. She has been in the ball-room, hasn't she?

WEST. Yes, but not to stay long. Hang me if things will go smoothly if she displays as much reluctance to giving me her hand in marriage as she does for a dance with me.

MRS. P. Pshaw! You are looking at it too seriously, Mr. Westcraft.

WEST. No! I have seen something very curious in her conduct to me lately.

MRS. P. (aside). Oh! he has noticed that, has he? More penetration in him than I gave him credit for!

WEST. She has never been the same woman since her voyage to France. Hang me if I don't begin to think that there is another man at the bottom of it. (strikes table, L. C., with his hand passionately. Music, bass chord, piano.)

MRS. P. (starts). Ah! (carelessly) Do you think so? (watches WESTCRAFT closely.)

WEST. Yes. Well, I won't judge in a hurry. I'll look again, (saunters off L. U. E.)

[Promenaders exeunt slowly, L. U. E.

MRS. P. (aside). He evidently suspects something, and cannot be deceived much longer. Poor Emily! I can't understand her. What can be the reason for her strange conduct? (music for MISS MILBURN'S entrance.

Enter, R. D., MISS MILBURN, with an absent, weary air. MRS. P. (lightly.) Oh, here you are come back? The voluntary eclipse of the star has been missed already.

MISS M. You are not dancing, dear? I really don't know what to do with myself, (takes seat, R. C., languidly.) I think I need rest, (rises) Good-night. (going to R. D.)

MRS. P. (stops her). What nonsense! Go and hide yourself in slumber on your birthday fête?

MISS M. Don't speak to me of my birthday fête! I wish I had never had one. (seated R. C.)

MRS. P. And then you are engaged to Mr. Westcraft. He has been looking for you everywhere, (C.)

MISS M. Mr. Westcraft! (contemptuously.) Will you please see if there are any ices there? (MRS. P. hands her an ice from L. C. table) Let me have some. Thanks. (scarcely tastes it, puts it down wearily.) I--I think I had better retire.

MRS. P. Don't think of it.

MISS M. Why should I not stop away?

MRS. P. Oh! it would look so bad. How could you?

MISS M. What if I had a reason?

MRS. P. Oh! is it a good one?

MISS M. I don't know. (abruptly) Oh! I am so unhappy!

MRS. P. You unhappy, dear?

MISS M. I have a great mind to tell you. (MRS. P. approaches MISS M. affectionately) I wish to return to Europe.

MRS. P. Ah! Is London so tempting a place?

MISS M. London? London is a dreadful smoky, great, busy, slow-going place, where every good thing comes from abroad, even to the money. But Paris is the refuge for the dull and weary, who have the minds to appreciate it. It's the gayest city in the world! I don't regret London, but I have never been at peace since I have seen Paris,.

MRS. P. Ah, I thought your unrest sprang from something like this. I saw you were sighing for something.

MISS M. It is a most charming place!

Enter, R. U. E. and by C. D. F., RUTH, with bunch of flowers. Drops on one knee and offers flowers to MISS MILBURN. MISS M. Ruth! (takes flowers.) Why, you ought not to be here. Thank you. You are not strong enough to be out. Do go in, do go in.

RUTH. I only wanted to see you and bring you these, with my sincere wishes for your happiness on your birthday.

MISS M. My happiness! (bitterly, almost in tears) I can't bear it! I'll go away--I am only plagued more and more. (kindly) But don't you be pained--it is not your fault, Ruth!

RUTH. I did not mean to grieve you, miss, (kisses MISS MILBURN'S hand, and exits D. F. and off R. U. E.)

MISS M. Poor old Ruth! poor girl! I was speaking to the doctor about her--he says she is dying of a heart broken, nothing else.

Wilkie Collins

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