Mr Wray's Cash Box

Wilkie Collins

Mr Wray's Cash Box Page 14

'Stop, Mr Wray! I beg your pardon; but I must tell you how I trounced him. Half an hour after the thing had been taken down, I dropped into the shop. Dunball, smiling like a fool, tells me about the business. "Put it up again, directly!" said I; "I won't have any man's character bowled down like that by people who don't know him!" Dunball makes a wry face and hesitates. I pull out my watch, and say to him, "I give you a minute to decide between my custom and interest, and Daubeny Daker's." I happen to be what's called a rich man, Mr Wray; so Dunball decided in about two seconds, and up went your advertisement again, just where it was before!'

'I have no words, sir, to thank you for your kindness,' said poor old Reuben.

'Hear how I trounced Daubeny Daker, sir--hear that! I met him out at dinner, the same night. He was talking about you, and what he'd done--as proud as a peacock! "In fact," says he, at the end of his speech, "I considered it my duty, as a clergyman, to have the advertisement taken down." "And I considered it my duty, as a gentleman," said I, "to have it put up again." Then, we began the argument (he hates me, because I once wrote a play--I know he does). I won't tell you what he said, because it would distress you. But it ended, after we'd been at it, hammer and tongs, for about an hour, by my saying that his conduct in setting you down as a disreputable character, without making a single enquiry about you, showed a want of Christianity, justice, and common sense. "I can bear with your infirmities of temper, Mr Colebatch," says he, in his nasty, sneering way; "but allow me to ask, do you, who defend Mr Wray so warmly, know any more of him than I do?" He thought this was a settler; but I was at him again, quick as lightning. "No, sir; but I'll set you a proper example, by going tomorrow morning, and judging of the man from the man himself!" That was a settler for him: and now, here I am this morning, to do what I said.'

'I will show you, Mr Colebatch, that I have deserved the honour of being defended by you,' said Mr Wray, with a mixture of artless dignity and manly gratitude in his manner, which became him wonderfully; 'I have a letter, sir, from the late Mr Kemble--'

'What, my old friend, John Philip!' cried the Squire; 'let's see it instantly! He, Mr Wray, was "the noblest Roman of them all", as Shakespeare says.'

Here was an inestimable friend indeed! He knew Mr Kemble and quoted Shakespeare. Old Reuben could actually have embraced the Squire at that moment; but he contented himself with producing the great Kemble letter.

Mr Colebatch read it, and instantly declared that, as a certificate of character, it beat all other certificates that ever were written completely out of the field; and established Mr Wray's reputation as above the reach of all calumny. 'It's the most tremendous crusher for Daubeny Daker that ever was composed, sir!' Just as the old gentleman said this, his eyes encountered little Annie, who had been sitting quietly in the corner of the room, going on with her lace. He had hardly allowed himself leisure enough to look at her, in the first heat of his introductory address, but he made up for lost time now, with characteristic celerity.

'Who's that pretty little girl?' said he; and his bright eyes twinkled more than ever as he spoke.

'My granddaughter, Annie,' answered Mr Wray, proudly.

'Nice little thing! how pretty and quiet she sits making her lace!' cried Mr Colebatch, enthusiastically. 'Don't move, Annie; don't go away! I like to look at you! You won't mind a queer old bachelor, like me--will you? You'll let me look at you--won't you? Go on with your lace, my dear, and Mr Wray and I will go on with our chat.'

This 'chat' completed what the Kemble letter had begun. Encouraged by the Squire, old Reuben artlessly told the little story of his life, as if to an intimate friend; and told it with all the matchless pathos of simplicity and truth. What time Mr Colebatch could spare from looking at Annie--and that was not much--he devoted to anathematising his implacable enemy, Daubeny Daker, in a series of violent expletives; and anticipating, with immense glee, the sort of consummate 'trouncing' he should now be able to inflict on that reverend gentleman, the next time he met with him. Mr Wray only wanted to take one step more after this in the Squire's estimation, to be considered the phoenix of all professors of elocution, past, present, and future: and he took it. He actually recollected the production of Mr Colebatch's play--a tragedy all bombast and bloodshed--at Drury Lane Theatre; and, more than that, he had himself performed one of the minor characters in it!

The Squire seized his hand immediately. This play (in virtue of which he considered himself a dramatic author,) was his weak point. It had enjoyed a very interrupted 'run' of one night; and had never been heard of after. Mr Colebatch attributed this circumstance entirely to public misappreciation; and, in his old age, boasted of his tragedy wherever he went, utterly regardless of the reception it had met with. It has often been asserted that the parents of sickly children are the parents who love their children best. This remark is sometimes, and only sometimes, true. Transfer it, however, to the sickly children of literature, and it directly becomes a rule which the experience of the whole world is powerless to confute by a single exception!

'My dear sir!' cried Mr Colebatch, 'your remembrance of my play is a new bond between us! It was entitled--of course you recollect--The Mysterious Murderess. Gad, sir, do you happen to call to mind the last four lines of the guilty Lindamira's death scene? It ran thus, Mr Wray:--

'Murder and midnight hail! Come all ye horrors! My soul's congenial darkness quite defies ye! I'm sick with guilt!--What is to cure me?--This! (Stabs herself) Ha! ha! I'm better now--(smiles faintly)--I'm comfortable!' (Dies)

'If that's not pretty strong writing, sir, my name's not Matthew Colebatch! and yet the besotted audience failed to appreciate it! Bless my soul!' (pulling out his watch) 'one o'clock, already! I ought to be at home! I must go directly. Goodbye, Mr Wray. I'm so glad to have seen you, that I could almost thank Daubeny Daker for putting me in the towering passion that sent me here. You remind me of my young days, when I used to go behind the scenes, and sup with Kemble and Matthews. Goodbye, little Annie! I'm a wicked old fellow, and I mean to kiss you some day! Not a step further, Mr Wray; not a step, by George, sir; or I'll never come again. I mean to make the Tidbury people employ your talents; they're the most infernal set of asses under the canopy of heaven; but they shall employ them! I engage you to read my play, if nothing else will do, at the Mechanics' Institution. We'll make their flesh creep, sir; and their hair stand on end, with a little tragedy of the good old school. Goodbye, till I see you again, and God bless you!' And away the talkative old Squire went, in a mighty hurry, just as he had come in.

'Oh, grandfather! what a nice old gentleman!' exclaimed Annie, looking up for the first time from her lace cushion.

Wilkie Collins

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