No Name (Play)


Wilkie Collins

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No Name (Play) Page 01


A Drama,

In Five Acts.



to which is added

A description of the costumes--cast of the characters--entrances and exits--relative positions of the performers on the stage, and the whole of the stage business.


New York


No. 33 Rose Street.



PENDRIL (a Solicitor)
CAPTAIN WRAGGE (a moral Agriculturist)
NORAH (her sister)
MISS GARTH (their Governess)


COSTUMES (English, present day.)

NOEL VANSTONE.--Pale, light, short-curl wig, thin moustache. Act III.: Light pants, white vest, morning-gown with silk cord and tassel. Act IV.: Light sea-side suit, straw hat with blue ribbon, canvas shoes.

CAPTAIN WRAGGE.--Act II.: Seedy black suit, coat buttoned up to the throat, frayed collar and cuffs, black hat too often brushed, straggling moustache, semi-military air. Act IV.: Light summer dress, moustache trimmed, color on cheeks, ring and pin, watch and seals. Act V.: Black suit, very fine, ruffled bosom to shirt, jewelry.

CAPTAIN KIRKE.--Dark blue suit, of naval cut, with plain gilt buttons, cap with glazed peak, moustache and beard around face.

MR. CLARE.--Black suit.

PENDRIL.--A lawyer. Black suit, black gloves.

SERVANT.--In black, white tie, etc.

POSTMAN.--Dark blue uniform, faced with red.

MAGDALEN VANSTONE.-- Act I.--Hair rather plain, in full mourning, white collar and cuffs. Act II : Traveling dress, gray, mantle, reticule, gloves, parasol. Act III.: Made up after general appearance of MISS GARTH, old-fashioned dark alpaca dress, high bonnet, with thick black lace fall, dark gloves, reticule, false front of different colored hair to her own. Disguised voice throughout. Act IV. : White dress with trimming to suit, straw sea-side hat, parasol. Act V.: Gray dress, hair in fashion.

NORAH VANSTONE.--To resemble MAGDALEN. Act I.: Mourning. Act V.: Fashionable attire, hat, gloves, parasol, wedding-ring.

MISS GARTH.--(About forty). Dark dress, old-fashioned. Hair in old style, black lace mittens.

MADAME LECOMPTE.--Swiss-French accent. Act III.: House dress. Act IV.: Walking-dress, hat, parasol.

MRS. WRAGGE.--Act II.: Faded satin dress, cap, hair rather disordered, confused, dazzled manner. Act IV.: Light dress, bonnet with veil, sun-umbrella, large reticule.

SERVANT-GIRL for Act III.--House dress, cap and apron.

LADIES for promenaders.-- Act IV.: Handsome sea-side dresses, parasols.


SCENERY (English, present day.) Act I.--Scene: Parlor in Country House

Landscape on flat in distance; foreground, lawn and garden. Carpet down in room. Sideboards. Pictures on flat and side sets. Writing materials on round table, R.; statuette, books, portfolio on table up L. Act II.--Lodgings. Mean Parlor, in 3d grooves.

Backing of wall to D. in F. Soiled curtains to window in F. Square of carpet in the centre of the room. Lighted candle on table. Low fire in fireplace. Bureau, looking-glass over it. Act III.--Scene: Parlor.

Framed engraving on side sets. Carpet down. Large window R., cut out panes, with view of shrubbery in a garden. D. L. 3 E. is practicable. Trunks, valises, boxes up L.,in disorder. Act IV.--Scene: Beach and Villas.

View on flat, calm sea. A few small sail in sight, foreground, beach, bathing-machines and grounded fishing-smacks. Houses R. and L. 1 E.'s, white, with green blinds, striped awnings to upper windows. Act V.--Scene: Sitting-room in Lodging-house.

A few cheap engravings on flat, framed; curtains to windows. Carpet down. Stairs in upper entrance, up trap, guarded by railing.


STAGE DIRECTIONS R. means Right of Stage, facing the Audience; L. Left; C. Centre; R. C. Right of Centre; L. C. Left of Centre. D. F. Door in the Flat, or Scene running across the back of the Stage; C. D. F. Centre Door in the Flat; R. D. F. Right Door in the Flat; L. C. F. Left Door in the Flat; R. D. Right Door; L. D. Left Door; 1 E. First Entrance; 2 E. Second Entrance; U. E. Upper Entrance; 1, 2, or 3 G. First, Second, or Third Groove.

The reader is supposed to be upon the stage facing the audience.


NO NAME. --------------------------


SCENE.--Parlor at Combe Raven Country House in Somersetshire.

MR. PENDRIL discovered, seated R. of table, a paper in his hand--MISS GARTH seated L.

MR. PENDRIL. Yes, madam, this is the will of our late friend, Mr. Andrew Vanstone. If I can prevail on you to read certain clauses in this document, you will make your own discovery of what I am come here to disclose--circumstances so painful that I hardly know how to communicate them. (slowly.)

MISS GARTH. And which affect the dead or living, sir?

PEN. Which affect the dead and living both, madam.

MISS G. (after pause). I will not make your hard duty, sir, more painful than I can help. Show me the place in the will, and let me know the worst.

PEN. You will begin here, madam, (he extends it towards her on the table, pointing out the place.)

MISS G. (endeavors to read, but fails, and at length pushes it back). I--I cannot follow you--I stop. Sir, end all this pain in a word. Does this will of Mr. Vanstone provide for his orphan daughters?

PEN. It did, madam, when he made it.

MISS G. When he made it! Does it now?

PEN. It does not, madam.

MISS G. (snatches the will from him, and throws it on the ground). Let it lie there, then, if it's useless. You mean well, sir; you wish to spare me; but you are only wasting time and strength; tell me the truth, Mr.

Wilkie Collins

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